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A message from Orb's founders - Annie and John Lamb.

"In the days when computers could be built at home, and sold for a modest profit, we created Orb Computer Systems. The name ‘Orb’ is a contraction of Ourobouros, shrunk to fit on a one-inch-square computer-case badge.

In 2001, we rented the shop in Deveron Street, intending to open a centre for IT training. For this we needed to build a few machines, and we couldn’t afford to. Yet there was the shop. So we filled it with books, and at the end of April we began trading.

The bookshop didn’t make money, but at first the sales of computers supported it. After we gave up building them, we landed a part-time job. This paid the shop’s bills for the next few years. All too soon, retirement loomed: with no salary, how could we run the shop? Our friends from Huntly Writers stepped in, became volunteers and saved the whole enterprise. Wonderful!"


Thoisich an ath ìre ….


Ann a 2013 thuair Sgrìobhadairean Hunndaidh airgead fo Stòr Culturach Hunndaidh airson rannsachadh a’dhèanamh am b’urrainn dha’n bhùth a bhi a thionndadh na bùth-leabhar “gun buannachd” a’cho-chomann. Chuir còmhlan feadhainn-deònach beòthail na lorgan sin ann a’ gnìomh agus tha a bhùth an deidh bhi ruith bho’n’uair sin. Tha e fosgailte sia latha s’an seachdain agus ‘s e feadhainn-deònach gu leir a tha na ruith. Tha uad ‘g obair cruaidh a ‘chumail a’dol agus tha a h-uile buannachd a’dol air ais dh’an a bhùth agus ionnsaighean co-chomann.

Ann an 2021 dh'atharraich sinn seòladh gu 10 ½ The Square, Huntly.


Tha sinn uile ainmich air àraich gaol airson leubhadh agus tha sinn ‘g iarraidh seo a’riaraich leis a cho-chomann agus an còrr dh’an t-saoghal!

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Photo 28-11-2018, 15 11 14.jpg
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